Metals-API API Documentation

Metals-API API

Powered by 10+ exchange rate data sources for precious metals, the Metals-API API is capable of delivering real-time precious metals rate data. The API comes with multiple endpoints, each serving a different use case. Endpoint functionalities include getting the latest exchange rate data for all or a specific set of currencies, converting amounts from one currency to another, retrieving Time-Series data for one or multiple currencies and querying the API for daily fluctuation data.

Throughout this documentation you will learn about API structure, methods, potential errors and code examples. In case any question was left unanswered, please make sure to contact us and our team will be happy to help out.

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Getting Started


Definition Description
API Key A unique key assigned to each API account used to authenticate with the API.
Symbol Refers to the three-letter currency code or metal code of a given currency.
Base Currency The currency to which exchange rates are relative to. (If 1 USD = X EUR, USD is the base currency)
Target Currency The currency an amount is converted to. (If 1 USD = X EUR, EUR is the target currency)
Base URL Refers to URL which all API request endpoints and URLs are based on.


Your API Key is the unique key that is passed into the API base URL's access_key parameter in order to authenticate with the Metals-API API.

Base URL:

Append your API Key: Here is how to authenticate with the Metals-API API:
? access_key = API_KEY

API Response

Exchange rates delivered by the Metals-API API are by default relative to USD. All data is returned in standard JSON format and can be parsed easily using any programming language.

When fetching metal rates with USD selected as the base currency (utilizing the 'base' parameter, defaulting to USD if not specified), it is necessary to apply 1/value to the API response.

For instance, to ascertain the gold rate in USD from the API response value, execute 1/0.0004831705, yielding 2069.6627795 USD.

Furthermore, when USD serves as the base, the API response will include the USD Price without requiring additional conversion. This can be identified, for example, as USDXAU. (ONLY APPLIES FOR LATEST ENDPOINT).

Additionally, it's important to note that if you opt for a different base currency, such as EUR, the 1/value division is not necessary. The price is already converted.

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "EUR",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,

As illustrated above, the API's response - when queried for real-time exchange rates - always contains a timestamp object containing a standard UNIX time stamp indicating the time the given exchange rate data was collected, a base object containing the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency, a date object containing the date the given exchange rate data was collected, and a rates object containing the actual exchange rate data.

Further below, in the Endpoints section, the API response structure will be discussed in detail.

Available Endpoints

The Metals-API API comes with X API endpoints, each providing a different functionality. Please note that depending on your subscription plan, certain API endpoints may or may not be available.

  • Latest rates endpointReturns real-time exchange rate data for all available or a specific set of currencies. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).
  • Convert endpointAllows for conversion of any amount from one currency to another.
  • Historical rates endpointReturns historical exchange rate data for a specific set of currencies. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).
  • Bid And Ask EndpointReturns real-time Bid and Ask prices for Gold, Silver, Palladium, and Platinum. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).
  • Time-Series data endpointReturns daily historical exchange rate data between two specified dates for all available or a specific set of currencies. (The date limits per API request depend on the acquired plan).
  • Fluctuation data endpointReturns fluctuation data between two specified dates for all available or a specific set of currencies. (The date limits per API request depend on the acquired plan).
  • Carat data endpointReturns gold by carat data for a specific base currency.
  • Lowest/Highest price endpointReturn the lowest and highest price
  • Gold Price India EndpointReturns the latest gold price in India usinge
  • Historical rates LBMA endpointReturns historical exchange rate data for a specific set of currencies.
  • Open/High/Low/Close price endpointReturn the open, high, low, and close price
  • News endpointReturn the latest news
  • Historical LME endpointReturns historical exchange rate data for a specific set of currencies.

SSL Connection

All paid subscription plans available on Metals-API come with 256-bit SSL encryption. To connect to the API via SSL, simply use the https protocol instead of standard http.

JSONP Callbacks

The Metals-API API comes with support for JSONP Callbacks. This feature enables you to specify a function name, pass it into the API's callback GET parameter and cause the API to return your requested API response wrapped inside that function.

Example Call:
? access_key = API_KEY
& callback = MY_FUNCTION

In the example call above we are requesting the API to use the callback name MY_FUNCTION.

Example Response: Your API response will be wrapped inside your preferred callback function.

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "EUR",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,

Access-Control / CORS

Metals-API also supports Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and Access-Control Headers. This will enable you to use the Metals-API API via Cross-Origin HTTP Requests.

Learn more about CORS ยป


HTTP ETags are a way of reducing the load on your back-end by requesting new Metals-API data only if rates have changed since the last API response.

What are ETags?

An ETag is a part of the HTTP protocol and one of the several mechanisms used for cache validation. The ETag is an identifier assigned to a data resource in a server, and if that resource is ever updated at the server, the ETag is changed.

Whenever a resource is requested (via its URL), the data and ETag are retrieved and stored in the Web cache, and the ETag is sent along with subsequent requests. If the ETag at the server has not changed, a "Not Modified" message is returned, and the cached data is used. (Definition by

ETags - Quickstart Guide

Step 1

Your initial request to the Metals-API API will create an ETag object containing a unique ETag key and a Date object containing the exact date and time at which the data was last modified. This data must be cached along with the entire API response in order for ETags to work.

ETag: "202567a75aef2e66a3ebf2366bff048f"  
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2018 11:30:01 GMT
Step 2

Once you make another API request, make sure to include the If-None-Match HTTP header abd set ut to your previously generated ETag value. Moreover, you will need to add the If-Modified-Since HTTP header to your API request containing the date and time data from your last request.

If-None-Match: "1872ade88f3013edeb33decd74a4f947"  
If-Modified-Since: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 12:10:04 GMT
Step 3

Depending on whether or not your result set has updated since your last API request, the API will return either:

  • the results from your initial API request along with a 304 โ€“ Not Modified HTTP header indicating that no change has occured. In this case, the size of the API response will be as small as 0.2kb;
  • or new results with an entirely new set of ETag and Date objects indicating that new data has been accessed. In this case, the size of your API response will be normal.

Potential Errors

Whenever a requested resource is not available or an API call fails for another reason, a JSON error is returned. Errors always come with an error code and a description.

Example Error: The following error is returned if your monthly API request volume has been exceeded.

"success": false,
"error": {
"code": 104,
"info": "Your monthly API request volume has been reached. Please upgrade your plan."    

Other Errors:

Error Code Description
404 The requested resource does not exist.
101 No API Key was specified or an invalid API Key was specified.
103 The requested API endpoint does not exist.
104 The maximum allowed amount of monthly API requests has been reached.
105 The current subscription plan does not support this API endpoint.
106 The current request did not return any results.
102 The account this API request is coming from is inactive.
201 An invalid base currency has been entered.
202 One or more invalid symbols have been specified.
301 No date has been specified. [historical]
302 An invalid date has been specified. [historical, convert]
403 No or an invalid amount has been specified. [convert]
501 No or an invalid timeframe has been specified. [timeseries]
502 No or an invalid "start_date" has been specified. [timeseries, fluctuation]
503 No or an invalid "end_date" has been specified. [timeseries, fluctuation]
504 An invalid timeframe has been specified. [timeseries, fluctuation]
505 The specified timeframe is too long, exceeding 30 days. [timeseries, fluctuation]


Supported Symbols Endpoint

The Metals-API API comes with a constantly updated endpoint returning all available currencies. To access this list, make a request to the API's symbols endpoint.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [Required] Your API Key.

API Response:

    "AAAU": {
    "id": "AAAU",
    "name": "Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF"
    "ADA": {
    "id": "ADA",
    "name": "Cardano"
    "AED": {
    "id": "AED",
    "name": "United Arab Emirates Dirham"
    "AFN": {
    "id": "AFN",
    "name": "Afghan Afghani"
    "AHME-22k": {
    "id": "AHME-22k",
    "name": "Ahmedabad Gold 22k",
    "unit": "per gram"

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
symbols Returns all supported currencies with their respective three-letter currency codes or or metal codes and names.

Latest Rates Endpoint

Depending on your subscription plan, the API's latest endpoint will return real-time exchange rate data updated every 60 minutes, every 10 minutes or every 60 seconds.

For LBMA prices, it should be noted that the rates correspond to the previous day's closing price.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = USD
& symbols = XAU,XAG,XPD

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
base [optional] Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency. Default USD.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).

API Response:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "USD",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"USD": 1,
"XAG":  0.041405839732253,
"XAU":  0.0004831705,
"XPD": 0.00084781687155574,
"USDXAG": 24.151182694673185,
"USDXAU": 2069.6627794950227,
"USDXPD": 1179.5000000000057,

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
timestamp Returns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given rates were collected.
base Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency used for this request.
rates Returns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Historical Rates Endpoint

Historical rates are available for most currencies dating back to 2019. You can query the Metals-API API for historical rates by appending a date ( YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL.

For all symbols in this endpoint, the prices provided correspond to the closing price of that day.

Note: For LME symbols, the prices correspond to the closing price of the same day. For LBMA symbols, the prices reflect the closing price of the previous day.

We also offer specific historical endpoints for LBMA and LME, where older data is available.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = EUR
& symbols = XAU,XAG,XPD

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
YYYY-MM-DD [required] A date in the past for which historical rates are requested.
access_key [required] Your API Key.
base [optional] Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency. Default USD.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output currencies. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).

API Response:

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "GBP",
"rates": {
"XAG": 21.9522920446423,
"XAU": 1871.0803462620966,
"XPD": 1067.2276441391284

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
historical Returns true if a request for historical exchange rates was made.
date Returns the date for which historical rates were requested.
timestamp Returns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given rates were collected.
base Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency used for this request.
rates Returns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Bid And Ask Endpoint

Depending on your subscription plan, the API's Bid and Askendpoint is a powerful API feature that enables you to retrieve real-time Bid and Ask prices for a selection of precious metals, including Gold, Silver, Palladium, and Platinum.

To obtain the symbols required for the endpoint, you can refer to the symbols list provided at Symbols List.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& base = USD
& symbols = XAU-BID,XAU-ASK

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
base [optional] Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency. Default USD.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output currencies. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).

API Response:

"success": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "USD",
"rates": {
"USD": 1,
"XAU-ASK": 0.00050474459,
"XAU-BID": 0.00050499949,
"USDXAU-ASK": 1981.19999999,
"USDXAU-BID": 1980.19999999

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
timestamp Returns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given rates were collected.
date Returns the exact date when the given rates were collected.
base Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency used for this request.
rates Returns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Specify Symbols

To reduce bandwidth you can limit the number of output currencies to a specific set of your choice on most API endpoints. To do so, simply append the Metals-API API's symbols parameter to your API request and set it to one or more comma-separated currency codes or metal codes.

? access_key = API_KEY
& symbols = XAU,XAG,XPD

The API's response for the request above will be limited to the currencies USD, CAD and JPY.

Changing base currency

Provided changing base currency is supported on your subscription plan, you can change the currency to which your output currency rates are relative to by appending the base parameter to your API request URL and setting it to the three-letter code of your preferred base currency.

? access_key = API_KEY
& base = USD

Please note: The default base currency is USD. You can use any currency as base currency. If you need additional base currencies please contact us

Convert Endpoint

The Metals-API API comes with a separate currency conversion endpoint, which can be used to convert any amount from one currency to another. In order to convert currencies, please use the API's convert endpoint, append the from and to parameters and set them to your preferred base and target currency codes or metal codes.

It is also possible to convert currencies using historical exchange rate data. To do this, please also use the API's date parameter and set it to your preferred date. (format YYYY-MM-DD)

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& from = GBP
& to = JPY
& amount = 25

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
from [required] The three-letter currency code or metal code of the symbol you would like to convert from.
to [required] The three-letter currency code or metal code or metal code of the currency you would like to convert to.
amount [required] The amount to be converted.
date [optional] Specify a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to use historical rates for this conversion.

API Response:

"success": true,
"query": {
"from": "GBP",
"to": "JPY",
"amount": 25
"info": {
"timestamp": 1519328414,
"rate": 148.972231
"historical": ""
"date": "2018-02-22"
"result": 3724.305775

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
query > from Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the symbol converted from.
query > to Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the symbol converted to.
query > to Returns the amount that is converted.
info > timestamp Returns the exact date and time (UNIX time stamp) the given exchange rare was collected.
info > rate Returns the exchange rate used for your conversion.
historical Returns true if historical rates are used for this conversion.
date Returns the date (format YYYY-MM-DD) the given exchange rate data was collected.
result Returns your conversion result.

Time-Series Endpoint

The Metals-API timeseries endpoint allows you to query the API for daily historical rates between two dates of your choice. (The date limits per API request depend on the acquired plan).

This endpoint has a limitation depending on the acquired plan, allowing only one symbol per request. If you need to query more than 30 days or more than one symbol, you should send another API call.

For LME symbols, the prices provided in this endpoint correspond to the first known price of the previous day (not the requested day). For example, a request for 2024-11-13 will return the price from 2024-11-12.

For LBMA symbols, there is a two-day delay. For example, a request for 2024-08-22 will return the closing price for the 20th.

For other symbols, the prices correspond to the first known price of the requested day.

You cannot use the current date for the "end_date" parameter. We recommend using a day prior to the current date to get a successful response. To get the latest price, you will need to use the latest endpoint.

We also offer specific historical endpoints for LBMA and LME, where older data is available.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& start_date = 2023-05-01
& end_date = 2023-05-25
& symbols = XAU
? access_key = API_KEY
& type = last_day
& symbols = XAU

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
start_date [required] The start date of your preferred timeframe. (The date limits per API request depends on the acquired plan).
end_date [required] The end date of your preferred timeframe. (The date limits per API request depends on the acquired plan).
base [optional] Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency.
symbols [required] Enter one currency or metal codes to limit the output.
type [optional] Specify "last_hour", "last_day", "last_week", or "last_month" to retrieve the rate change for the corresponding time period. If provided, this parameter overrides start_date and end_date.

API Response:

"success": true,
"timeseries": true,
"start_date": "2012-05-01",
"end_date": "2012-05-03",
"base": "EUR",
"rates": {
"USD": 1,
"XAU": 0.00050331446219218
"USD": 1,
"XAU": 0.00050469932538839
"2023-05-02": {
"USD": 1,
"XAU": 0.00049603398443199
"2023-05-03": {
"USD": 1,
"XAU": 0.00048723596263295

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
timeseries Returns true if a request to the timeseries endpoint is made.
start_date The start date of your time frame.
end_date The end date of your time frame.
base Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency used for this request.
rates Returns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Fluctuation Endpoint

Using the Metals-API API's fluctuation endpoint you will be able to retrieve information about how currencies fluctuate on a day-to-day basis. (The date limits per API request depends on the acquired plan). To use this feature, simply append a `start_date` and `end_date` or choose the `type` parameter to retrieve the rate change for a predefined time period, and choose the symbol you would like to query the API for.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& start_date = 2023-12-01
& end_date = 2015-12-15
& symbols = XAU
? access_key = API_KEY
& type = last_day
& symbols = XAU

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
start_date [required] The start date of your preferred fluctuation timeframe. (The date limits per API request depends on the acquired plan).
end_date [required] The end date of your preferred fluctuation timeframe. (The date limits per API request depends on the acquired plan).
base [optional] Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency. Default USD.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output symbols. (1 symbol per API request).
type [optional] Specify "last_hour", "last_day", "last_week", or "last_month" to retrieve the rate change for the corresponding time period. If provided, this parameter overrides start_date and end_date.

API Response:

"change_pct": 1.0165684023036687

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
fluctuation Returns true if a request to the fluctuation endpoint is made.
start_date The start date of your time frame.
end_date The end date of your time frame.
base Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency used for this request.
rates Returns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.
rates > start_rate Returns the exchange collected on your start date.
rates > end_rate Returns the exchange collected on your end date.
rates > change Returns the change (decimal number) of the given currency rate between your start and end date.
rates > change Returns the percentage change of the given currency rate between your start and end date.

Carat Endpoint

Using the Metals-API API's carat endpoint you will be able to retrieve information about Gold rates by Carat. To use this feature, simply append a base to choose which currencies (symbols) you would like to query the API for.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
base [optional] Enter the three-letter currency code or metal code of your preferred base currency. Default is USD

API Response:

            "unit": "per Gram"

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
base Returns the three-letter currency code or metal code of the base currency used for this request.
rates Returns exchange rate data for the currencies you have requested.

Lowest/Highest Price Endpoint

Metals-API lowest-highest/YYYY-MM-DD endpoint allows you to query the API to get the lowest and highest price.

This endpoint has a limitation of one symbol per request.

API Request:
    ? access_key = API_KEY
    & base = USD
    & symbols = XAU

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
YYYY-MM-DD [required] A date in the past or the current date for which the lowest and highest price is requested.
access_key [required] Your API Key.
base [required] Enter a metal symbol or currency.
symbols [required] Enter one symbol metal or currency to limit the output.

API Response:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1641842149,
"date": "2022-01-01",
"base": "USD",
"symbol": "XAU",
"rates": {
"low": 0.0005470547,
"high": 0.00054754153,
"unit": "per ounce"

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
date Returns the date for which the lowest and highest price was requested
base Returns the symbol as base used for this request.
symbol Returns the symbol used for this request.
rates Returns the lowest and highest price for the requested symbol.

Gold Price India Endpoint

Retrieve the latest gold price in India using the Metals API's dedicated Gold Price India endpoint. This API provides real-time data for specific gold symbols.

No specific currency base is declared, as all prices default to INR (Indian Rupee).

List of Symbols: Metals-API Symbols.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& symbols = VIJA-22k,SALE-22k,VISA-24k

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).

API Response:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 61326132,
"base": "INR",
"date": "2024-02-08",
"rates": {
"VIJA-22k":  5840,
"SALE-22k":  5840,
"VISA-24k":  6132,
"unit":  "per gram"

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
timestamp Provides the exact date and time (UNIX timestamp) when the gold prices were collected.
base Returns the three-letter currency code base currency used for this request. (Always INR)
rates Displays gold price data for the specified symbols.
rates Specifies the unit for the gold prices.

Historical Rates LBMA

Historical rates are accessible through the Metals-API endpoint for LBMA symbols, dating back to 1968 for Gold, 2010 for Silver, and since 1990 for Palladium & Platinum LBMA.

To query historical rates, simply append a date (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL in the Historical Rates LBMA endpoint.

Please note that the prices provided correspond to the closing price of the respective day and are available in USD, GBP, and EUR

List of Symbols: Metals-API Symbols.

API Request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& symbols = LBXAUAM

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API Key.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes. (The number of symbols per API request depends on the acquired plan).
base [optional] Available currencies: USD, GBP, and EUR

API Response:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1714493932,
"base": "USD",
"date": "1968-12-31",
"rates": {
"LBXAUAM":  41.95,
"unit":  "per ounce"

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
timestamp Provides the exact date and time (UNIX timestamp) when the gold prices were collected.
base Returns the three-letter currency code base currency used for this request. (Always USD)
rates Displays price data for the specified symbols.

Open/High/Low/Close (OHLC) Price Endpoint

Metals-API open-high-low-close/YYYY-MM-DD endpoint allows you to query the API to get the open, high, low, and close price.

This endpoint has a limitation of one symbol per request.

API Request:
    ? access_key = API_KEY
    & base = XAU
    & symbols = USD

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
YYYY-MM-DD [required] A date in the past or the current date.
access_key [required] Your API Key.
base [required] Enter a metal symbol or currency.
symbols [required] Enter one symbol metal or currency to limit the output.

API Response:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1653931700,
"date": "2022-05-20",
"base": "XAU",
"symbol": "USD",
"rates": {
"open": 1841.1889341969709,
"high": 1851.6666851833336,
"low": 1816.419890887657,
"close": 1844.828964194302,
"unit": "per ounce"

Response Objects:

Response Object Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether or not your API request has succeeded.
date Returns the date for the open, high, low, and close price.
base Returns the symbol as base used for this request.
symbol Returns the symbol used for this request.
rates Returns the open, high, low, and close price for the requested symbol.

News Endpoint

Metals-API get-news allows you to retrieve the latest news articles related to various metals. This endpoint is useful for staying updated on market trends, significant events, and other relevant information that may affect metal prices. Data is available starting from June 27, 2024.

API Request:
    ? access_key = API_KEY

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API key for authenticating the request.
fromDate [optional] The start date to filter news articles (in format YYYY-MM-DD). Only articles published from this date onwards will be returned.
toDate [optional] The end date to filter news articles (in format YYYY-MM-DD). Only articles published up to this date will be returned.
page [optional] The page number of results to retrieve. Default is 1. Maximum number of articles per page is 10.
keyword [optional] A keyword to filter news articles that contain this term in their title or content.

API Response:

"success": true,
"data": {
    "currentPage": 1,
    "totalPages": 10,
    "news": [
        "title": "Gold Prices Drop Below $2,300, Copper Weaker on China Concerns",
        "article": "Gold prices declined below key levels in Asian trading on Thursday, due to a stronger dollar and cautious sentiment surrounding metals ahead of crucial inflation data that could impact interest rates...",
        "date": "2024-06-27"
        "title": "Silver Price Forecast: Silver Shows Resilience with Monday Rebound, Technical Analysis Reveals Bullish Trends",
        "article": "The silver market displayed positive movement at the start of the week, indicating a resurgence of activity. It is anticipated that the market may target the $28.50 threshold, a key level that has previously acted as both support and resistance...",
        "date": "2024-08-14"

Response Objects:

Field Description
success Indicates whether the request was successful. (true or false)
data Contains the news data and pagination details.
currentPage The current page number of the retrieved results.
totalPages The total number of pages available.
news An object containing the news articles. An array of news articles.
title The title of the news article.
article The content of the news article.
date The date the article was created.

Historical LME Endpoint

Metals-API historical-lme Historical rates are accessible through the Metals-API endpoint for LME symbols, dating back to 2008. This endpoint allows you to query historical rates by appending a date (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD) to the base URL in the Historical Rates LME endpoint.

Please note that the prices provided correspond to the closing price of the respective day.

List of Symbols :

Symbol Metal Unit
LME-ALU Aluminium Per Troy Ounce
LME-XCU Copper Per Troy Ounce
LME-LEAD Lead Per Troy Ounce
LME-NI Nickel Per Troy Ounce
LME-TIN Tin Per Troy Ounce
LME-ZNC Zinc Per Troy Ounce

Price Types :

Abbreviation Description
CS Cash-Settlement
3M 3-Month
ST Stock

API Request:
    ? access_key = API_KEY
    & symbols = LME-ALU
    & price_type = CS

Request Parameters:

Parameter Description
access_key [required] Your API key for authenticating the request.
date [required] Specify a date (format YYYY-MM-DD) to use historical rates for this conversion.
symbols [required] Enter a list of comma-separated currency codes or metal codes to limit output codes. The endpoint allows 1 symbol per request.
price_type [required] Type of price to request: CS, 3M, ST. Only one price_type can be specified per request.

API Response:

    "success": true,
    "timestamp": 1714493932,
    "base": "USD",
    "date": "2008-04-24",
    "rate": {
        "LME-ALU": 0.07730948678   
    "unit": "per troy ounce"
    "price_type": "CS"

Response Objects:

Field Description
success Returns true or false depending on whether your API request has succeeded.
timestamp Provides the exact date and time (UNIX timestamp) when the metal prices were collected.
base Returns the three-letter currency code base currency used for this request. (Always USD).
date Returns the date for the historical rates.
rates Displays price data for the specified symbols.
unit Specifies the unit of measurement (always per troy ounce).
price_type Specifies the type of price returned CS, 3M, ST.

Sample Code


Real-time rates: Find below a simple PHP example for getting exchange rate data via the Metals-API API's latest endpoint.

// set API Endpoint and API key 
$endpoint = 'latest';
$access_key = 'API_KEY';

// Initialize CURL:
$ch = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// Store the data:
$json = curl_exec($ch);

// Decode JSON response:
$exchangeRates = json_decode($json, true);

// Access the exchange rate values, e.g. GBP:
echo $exchangeRates['rates']['GBP'];

Convert currencies: Here is how to convert currencies using PHP cURL.

// set API Endpoint, access key, required parameters
$endpoint = 'convert';
$access_key = 'API_KEY';

$from = 'USD';
$to = 'EUR';
$amount = 10;

// initialize CURL:
$ch = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.'&from='.$from.'&to='.$to.'&amount='.$amount.'');   
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// get the JSON data:
$json = curl_exec($ch);

// Decode JSON response:
$conversionResult = json_decode($json, true);

// access the conversion result
echo $conversionResult['result'];

Python (using Request module)

    import requests

    base_currency = 'USD'
    symbol = 'XAU' 
    endpoint = 'latest'
    access_key = 'API_KEY'

    resp = requests.get(
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        # This means something went wrong.
        raise ApiError('GET /'+endpoint+'/ {}'.format(resp.status_code))

JavaScript (jQuery.ajax)

Real-time rates: Find below a simple jQuery.ajax example for getting exchange rate data via the Metals-API API's latest endpoint.

// set endpoint and your access key
endpoint = 'latest'
access_key = 'API_KEY';

// get the most recent exchange rates via the "latest" endpoint:
url: '' + endpoint + '?access_key=' + access_key,   
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {

// exchange rata data is stored in json.rates

// base currency is stored in json.base

// timestamp can be accessed in json.timestamp


Convert currencies: Here is how to convert currencies using jQuery.ajax.

// set endpoint and your API key
endpoint = 'convert';
access_key = 'API_KEY';

// define from currency, to currency, and amount
from = 'EUR';
to = 'GBP';
amount = '10';

// execute the conversion using the "convert" endpoint:
url: '' + endpoint + '?access_key=' + access_key +'&from=' + from + '&to=' + to + '&amount=' + amount,   
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {

// access the conversion result in json.result
